Through Mississippi Health Benefits there are two health insurance options that cover children, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and Medicaid.
The income limits are based on Modified Adjusted Gross Income or MAGI limits. The limits are referred to as MAGI because the programs using MAGI limits are based primarily on IRS rules for counting income and determining household composition.
CHIP provides health coverage for uninsured children up to age 19 years old. To be eligible for CHIP, a child cannot be eligible for Medicaid. At the time of application, children with health insurance are not eligible for CHIP.
CHIP is currently administered by two coordinated care organizations (CCOs). New CHIP contracts with Molina Healthcare and UnitedHealthcare Community Plan will take effect Nov. 1, 2019. CHIP beneficiaries currently enrolled with the outgoing CHIP CCO, Magnolia Health Plan, will receive a letter giving them the opportunity to choose between Molina Healthcare and UnitedHealthcare Community Plan. If a CHIP beneficiary does not respond, they will be assigned to Molina Healthcare.
All CHIP beneficiaries can select which plan they want during annual open enrollment which will be held in October through December.
As always, DOM encourages providers to enroll in all Mississippi Medicaid programs and wants providers to be aware that Molina Healthcare will be providing CHIP services come Nov. 1, 2019.
Magnolia Health Plan
Toll-free: 866-912-6285
UnitedHealthcare Community Plan
Toll-free: 877-743-8731
Molina Healthcare
Toll Free: 844-809-8438
Mississippi Division of Medicaid
Phone: 601-359-3789
Fax: 601-359-5252
Toll-free: 800-421-2408
Effective March 1, 2014, Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rules for Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) are used to determine a household’s income compared to the limits shown below based on household size. No deductions other than those allowed by IRS rules are used, other than a 5% disregard based on the federal poverty level (FPL) that is applied when needed to allow eligibility for Medicaid or CHIP.