Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction
The Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction focuses on providing British Columbians in need with a system of supports to help them achieve their social and economic potential.
Featured Topics
- B.C. Poverty Reduction
Learn more about the Poverty Reduction Strategy.
- Payment Dates
The current schedule for income and disability assistance payment dates.
- Supports and Services for People with Disabilities
Resources and services for people with disabilities from ministries across government.
- AccessibilityDirectorate
Providing people of all abilities with the opportunity to live full, inclusive lives.
- Single Parent Employment Initiative
Help for eligible single parents receiving income and disability assistance to secure sustainable employment.
- BC Employment Assistance Policy and Procedure Manual
Access detailed employment and assistance information and legislation.
- Senior’s Supplement
Monthly payments for eligible low-income seniors
- Income assistance for people from Ukraine
Financial supports available for people arriving in B.C. from Ukraine
Featured Services
- WorkBC
Committed to help British Columbians successfully navigate B.C.’s labour market.
- My Self Serve
Secure online access to income and disability assistance programs and services in B.C.
- Income Assistance
Apply for B.C. Employment and Assistance (BCEA).
- Disability Assistance
Apply for Persons with Disabilities Assistance.
- Bus Pass
A reduced cost, annual bus pass for low income seniors and individuals receiving disability assistance.
Honourable Sheila Malcolmson
Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction
- Biography
- Ministerial mandate letter
Parliamentary Secretaries
Susie Chant
Parliamentary Secretary - Accessibility
Megan Dykeman
Parliamentary Secretary - Community Development and Non-Profits
Deputy Minister
Allison Bond
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction